Internet Usage for Seniors and Retirees: Second Run
It’s Grandparents’ Day on September 9 and as we continue our advocacy to educate the Filipino community in Information Technology we invite our lolos and lolas to this webinar (using Facebook Live) about the benefits and dangers of using the internet and...
Techie Senior Citizens and Retirees Philippines
Last February 24, 31 participants from different provinces of the Philippines attended Kairos IT Services’ Internet Usage for Senior Citizens and Retirees Seminar at the Audio-Visual Room of UP Diliman National Engineering Center. The event was from 10am to 2pm and...
2018 Trends In Digital Marketing You Need To Keep In Mind
For 2017, everyone saw the power of how video stories made digital content engaging. This 2018, stories are still part of the package. If you want to reap rewards for your online marketing efforts this year, you have to focus on authentic storytelling and targeted personalized marketing.

Guest List For Internet Usage For Senior Citizens And Retirees
Thank you for an overwhelming response to our seminar invitation. We appreciate your enthusiasm in learning something new. With this, we are looking forward to our fruitful discussion on the benefits and safeguards of using the internet.